The Consequences of Our Inactions

Nancy B. Alston

The world today is too small for nations to resort to petty squabbles that have always had reverberating consequences for their nations populations. In fact they have had drastic after effects for the whole world. The United States is not alone in exasperating global conditions. But, we have had a hand in creating major disruptions and so called regime change in countries all over the world. Ever since the Korean conflict we have blundered our way through foreign policy after foreign policy. Never has any action since been for the benefit of US citizens.

In too many instances when certain nations assert a degree of negative authoritarianism response to control others the United States in turn has always responded with threats, sanctions and warnings that have never brought a harmonious result. Today, is no different the potential for more instability has again risen. The recent evacuation in Afghanistan, the continued saber rattling by N. Korea, the current Russian Ukraine instability and other hot spots around the world have all intensified.

To help ease the growing global instability the organizations that have been established to foster a certain ease in good will, trade and commerce have long been inconsistent in doing what they originally set out to do. NATO is one such organization that was set up to unify Europe and the United States in a combined effort to ward against hostile actions from any nation against any other. In excluding countries like Russia because of various regulations that the existing countries of NATO set only encourages a form of isolation and not inclusion. Regardless of their political ideologies the world today is much too small to encourage adverse reactions from being excluded from organizations that should foster a more harmonious world.

When NATO was formed countries like Russia and China were excluded because of their political systems were not in accord with western democracy. As a result created a riff that has brought the whole world into a quandary of rising tempests that have only been exasperated by the United States unwillingness to compromise. The United States now has to realize that to bring balance to the world we have to accept the fact that every nation is entitled to participate in negotiations that have a direct impact on their society.

NAFTA is another organization that continues to defy the boundaries of good faith between nations. When NAFTA was formed it only encouraged more instability in the world today. Free trade has kept the gravy train rolling right along for major corporations and politicians. The imbalances that so many countries especially in the United States have are a direct result of our trade policies and agreement.

To help ease the global instability that has arisen the United States must realize that free trade isn’t working. That is the first step. Once our government realizes this the course of action is to establish a balance of trade agreement between all nations. When there is a balance of trade between countries more stability in societies will commence. When more nations have balance societies fosters less hostile repercussions around the world.

The failings of our government and past Administrations have only added to the growing insecurities through-out the world. They have never created a climate for rejuvenation of the quality of life for all Americans. As a result today over 70% of Americans live at or below the poverty line. When there is this much imbalance in society the results have been and continue to be more instability that is the driving force in the great divides in our nation today. It is essential for the United States to usher in policies that create unification instead of division in every policy directive that comes out of Washington.

Fortunately, there is a directive that would create the unification between nations and in our own country. It is a sad commentary for our times that this directive remains hidden behind the corruption and bureaucracy that has infested the halls of government.

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