Sorry that I had to start this article in a very grouchy manner, but my friend someone just come to me last week asking me this questions. “Jason beside the Online business that you can become rich, is there any other way ?” “This Internet thing is still not right […]
Living Life After Retirement
If you’re thinking of new ways to enjoy your retirement, how about a vacation with your family and friends, or a quiet cruise through the inter-coastal. Have you considered multiple private yacht vacations? I know what you’re thinking. I can’t afford this or I don’t want the hassles of maintenance. […]
Retirement Planning For The 21st Century
When you reach retirement age, you’ll probably have income from social security and maybe a pension but you have to ask yourself if that’ll be enough? Will you have to supplement your retirement income? Will you continue to live in your present home or will you relocate? Do you want […]
Tips For Living Life On Your Own Terms After Retirement
“Retired in peace” is often a word that is heard multiple times, but seldom has become true in reality. Inflation is an unavoidable factor that slaps financial difficulties hard on your face in case you ignore the changing trend of economy. To make the first three words of this article […]
The Worst Retirement Gifts You Could Possibly Give
Retirement. After endless years of the daily grind, it’s good-bye tension, hello pension. No more lying to the boss about “that appointment” or the “I-fell-down-the-stairs-and-broke-my-arm” excuses. Now it’s time to kick off the shoes, switch on the TV and eat cake (and lots of it) because the gateway to the […]
Retirement – Like a Box of Chocolates?
The first time I viewed “Forrest Gump” and heard the line, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get,” I thought how true that statement is. Of course, I was working at the time and depending upon the day, the cup was either […]