Whether betting on trotters or pacers, if you want to make the most of your bets at the harness races, it is best to stick with a system, even if it is a simple one. Obviously, the more you learn about harness racing and handicapping, the better you’ll do, but […]
Does Robert Ferguson’s Food Lovers Fat Loss System Work?
I was watching to late one night and saw the infomercial for Robert Ferguson’s Food Lovers Fat Loss System. It was interesting to watch because the infomercial seemed kinda unbelievable – not to me but as I would imagine, the thousands of other people watching who needed to drop some […]
Retirement Planning For The 21st Century
When you reach retirement age, you’ll probably have income from social security and maybe a pension but you have to ask yourself if that’ll be enough? Will you have to supplement your retirement income? Will you continue to live in your present home or will you relocate? Do you want […]
7 Practical Tips on Co-Parenting Your Child With Your Ex
Even though your romantic relationship with your ex has ended, the fact is that your relationship as co-parents of your children will remain. Therefore, now is the time to work together to develop an effective co-parenting plan that works for both of you and is unique to your children’s best […]
Breast Obsessions and Body Image – Seven Tips to Go From Obsessions to Health
From Booby-Trapped to Treasured Chest 1. Why breast? Why now? At the same time, during 1940’s when large female breasts were ‘discovered’ as the most efficient vehicle for promoting merchandize, advertisements agencies started using the image of large size female breasts for selling everything from toothpaste to cars. The wishes […]
Skateboarding Park Initiatives For Your City
If you are a skateboarding fiend and you want to know how to get a skateboard park in your city; then listen up. First you have to overcome the status quo and all those old folks in city council and convince the city attorney that the new proposed skate part […]