Self-Awareness – The 3 Keys to Achievement – Attitude, Action and Acknowledgment

Nancy B. Alston

“Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.” ~Anonymous

Most people want to achieve success but it is important to be mindful that the definition of success may be different for each individual. In order to achieve what you want there are three important elements – attitude, actions and acknowledgments.


The first step is to assess your attitude and how it helps or hinders your achievements. If negative beliefs keep popping up, it generally results in an unproductive outcome. Negative thinking can consist of constant worry, “what if” scenarios or not trusting yourself to manage and cope. Constant negativity tends to block creativity. When you assume the worst it is hard to think and complete things. Have you ever had one of those days when doubt keeps cropping up. Eg. “I’ll never complete this project on time.” or ” I don’t think my boss believes I am capable.” With these kinds of thoughts on your mind, how effective will you be in completing your work?

A positive attitude contributes to a belief that you have the ability to handle situations. It does not mean that you always have a “happy, nothing can bother me attitude”, but rather when stuff happens you are able to deal with it. You want to make sure that you do not magnify the positive and minimize the negative and thereby don’t see the reality of a situation. As you move up the career ladder you will need to be able to accurately assess both the positives and negatives and then make decisions.


Actions are your behaviors, the things you do which move you toward your goals. Taking action is an important step towards achievement. People sometimes assume that only big things count as taking action. However it is often the small, steady actions which contribute to you reaching your goals.

Inaction is paradoxically a form of action. If you have difficulty or avoid making decisions because you want to be sure you only do the “right” thing, you often end up doing nothing. You may also choose to do nothing because you have determined that it is the right decision at the time.

Sometimes fear may prevent you from doing or trying things that will lead you toward achievement. Perhaps you have a fear of public speaking, but you need to develop the skill in order to move your career or business forward. It would be important to begin to take small action steps, doing things that will make you more comfortable with speaking in public.

Maybe you have difficulty saying “no” which results in you constantly taking on additional assignments leading to being overwhelmed. Your action might be to begin saying “no” or a variation of “no.” This might be something such as, “that would mean two projects to be completed at the same time, which would you like me to work on?” or “In order to do that I would have to delegate some of my other work. Is that OK with you?”


Paying attention to what you have completed or accomplished and expressing gratitude for what you have and towards others are powerful strategies for moving you forward in your life.

There may be people you know who have difficulty accepting a compliment. They might either ignore or minimize it. This generally relates to someone’s self image. If you do not consider yourself “worthy” of positives then you tend to discard them. This may be a remnant from childhood when perhaps you received a lot of criticism. It is important to remember when you disregard positive feedback, you are conveying a message of disrespect towards the person who is offering it.

Acknowledging and expressing appreciations is also important. Walking down the street and saying hello to people, holding a door open or saying thank you are small ways of acknowledging others. When you do things for others or have them done for you, how does it impact your mood?

Evaluate your definition of success. The three components of achieving the life you desire are your attitude, your actions and acknowledgments. Perhaps now is a good time to become more aware of how you use these qualities in your daily life.

Copyright 2008, Gail Solish. All rights reserved.

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