What the Insurance Companies Say About Whiplash

Nancy B. Alston

The name assigned for the neck strain received from the impact of a car crash sounds painful enough: whiplash. But the achy discomfort, disruption of regular life activities and any other complications that follow really can be excruciatingly difficult to deal with. If you live in a state that mandates […]

Advance Directive Warning

Nancy B. Alston

Approx. 1:30 Saturday morning, Dec. 18, 2010 “I think I need help!” Mom is standing outside my bedroom door, gasping for breath and writhing in pain. She says she waited an hour before waking me up. (Backstory: When I arrived last night, Mom told me that she sometimes feels “uncomfortable” […]

PC Recycling in Line With the WEEE Directive

Nancy B. Alston

The WEEE directive is a law that governs all matters related to the management and disposal of electronic and electrical waste products throughout the EU. All member countries including the EU are expected to adhere to this law without fail. The law aims at limiting the environmental impact of all […]

Types Of Lockout Electrical Panel And Their Usage

Nancy B. Alston

Lockout electrical panel square boxes are specially designed to lock switches with levers. This device encloses the electrical plugs and switches. Different manufacturer of lockout products offer various types of lockout EP available in the market. Here we have put together the types of lockout electrical panels along with their […]