Summer’s Here – Are Your ‘Toys’ Protected?

Nancy B. Alston

With the weather turning warm, people everywhere are breaking out their favorite summer “toys,” including recreational vehicles (RVs), boats, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Unfortunately, you can’t assume that your part-time vehicles are properly insured under an existing auto and/or homeowners’ insurance policy. And rather than simply tacking these substantial […]

How to Achieve The Success You Want

Nancy B. Alston

Do you wake up every day dreading what comes next and worrying about all the problems you have or do you get up everyday and feel energized just thinking about all the possibilities and opportunities? Your honest answer to this question is your starting point. You can’t get to Colorado […]

Is Covid-19 A Retribution From On High?

Nancy B. Alston

For believers in a ‘Higher Power’ of whatever hue, there must be times when one wonders if that heavenly body ever loses patience with what goes on below. Just imagine that said entity, after creating a magical gift like the planet Earth, balking at the mere sight of the inflicted […]

How to Heal After Domestic Violence

Nancy B. Alston

Domestic violence by definition involves the physical and usually verbal abuse by one of the parties against the other in a romantic relationship. In many countries, domestic violence is a crime but in a few countries, it is not a crime. Algeria, Burkina Faso, Latvia and Russian Federation are a […]

Breach of Contract Cases

Nancy B. Alston

Breaching of contract occurs when certain terms and conditions in a formal written agreement of two or more persons are failed to follow. It happens when one party in an agreement is not able to stick to what has been agreed upon. In a contract, when one side of the […]