The Rise Of Inflation

Nancy B. Alston

Today, the United States and even the rest of the world are caught up in a quandary of pre determined conditions. Many of which have been self inflicted. The casualties of this Pandemic contributed to the greatest rise of inflation not seen for over 35 years. When we talk of inflation what is actually happening is not just supply and demand but outright greed.

Since 1933 when FDR eliminated the gold standard resulting in the US dollar becoming fiat currency we have seen the value of the dollar almost disappear. What consumers could purchase for one dollar years ago now costs a whole lot more. Simply put, a cup of coffee today costs almost $4.00 where years ago for $.25 one could get a that cup of coffee.

What we are seeing in the United States are a number of contingencies that are all intertwined. The Pandemic has resulted in governments to react in ways that have produced many negative results. For years the American worker has been seeking incumbents in raising their wages. Finally through enough pressure on legislators wage increases finally are occurring. But, like everything else the government has and is doing have not put in place protective measures that would help curb what is happening now, rising inflation.

The inflationary trends today are a indirect result of those wage increases tied into the supply chain disruption. Contrary to what many think wage increases have always come with increases of commodes. The supply chain disruption is tied directly to the way governments have mishandled the policies reacting to the Covid-19 health crisis. Essentially resulting in major reductions of goods and services.

There are more casualties from this pandemic other than being infected. Even though wage increases are rising many have realized that still even with out the inflationary trends of today still can’t earn enough to be able to achieve financial stability..We are experiencing a major shift in our economy as a result.

If we had governmental officials that actually worked for the American public to ensure economic stability means adhering to the William’s Theory of Economic Evolution, which states” When more people have enough disposable income to spend, save, pay down debt and invest is the greatest deterrent to economic instability” What this means that this passage of the Infrastructure bill isn’t the great cure all for the economy. It comes too little too late and does not really address the ways to create an environment for the health, stability and future of this nation.

What is needed is a direct infusion of cash directly inserted into the bank accounts of American taxpayers and Social Security recipients no less than $2000 to immediately stave off anther financial epidemic. What many don’t realize that up front capital in the hands of many with policies that actually spur producing goods and services economic growth rises.

To felicitate economic growth that addresses more than this Infrastructure Bill there has to be an authentic plan of direction that encompasses all facets of American life. That’s what National Economic Reform’s Ten Articles Of Confederation entails. There can be no real economic and financial stability without achieving what is outlined in National Economic Reforms Ten Articles.

Article 1: Universal Health Care

Article 2: Budget Deficit and National Debt Reduction

Article 3: Education Reform

Article 4: Social Security Restoration

Article 5: Trade Deficit Equalization

Article 6: Science and Technology Directives

Article 7: Immigration and Homeland Security Reform

Article 8: Department of Economic Development

Article 9: U.S. Treasury Reform

Article 10: Department of Defense Reform

Until these articles are implemented the wheels of government will just keep spinning.

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