Music and Politics

Nancy B. Alston

Jerome Camal, French of birth, is assistant to the Washington University of Saint Louis in jazz studies, logic of music and logic of ethnic music. But it is also a saxophonist that is not satisfied with to live of academic searches and he doesn’t want that teacher calls him, but […]

10 Tips to Upgrade Your Call to Action

Nancy B. Alston

A call to action is a button, graphic or text message in place to motivate your visitor to complete the desired goal. The goal being signing up, subscribing, purchasing, etc. The better your call to action, the higher your conversion rate. Here are some examples of calls to action: Subscribe […]

Reframe and Conquer Office Politics

Nancy B. Alston

Kyle began our phone call by sharing his frustration. “I hate the politics at my company,” he said. “The only projects that get done are the ones sponsored by the company president’s ‘pets.’ The worth of the project doesn’t matter; it’s all about who you know. I do great work, […]

Jesus and Politics, a Strange Mix

Nancy B. Alston

Right around 300 A.D., would-be Emperor Constantin teamed up with Christians to take over the Empire of Rome. Some say he saw a vision, others aren’t quite so sure. But the result of his interactions with the church caused the Christians to come out of the dungeons, and eventually to […]