A wise nation nurtures potentials and aggregates the potentials for higher contribution towards nation building. Honest dealings motivate the spirit to perform. When the individual is motivated, the spirit to perform will lead to higher contribution. A nation that ignores this concept will practice nepotism, red tapism and corruption. It will ignore the truth that to kill the spirit is a crime as much as it is to take away life. Life without spirit is life without hope.
Without hope, there is no purpose of life. In the end, a nation that indulges in unethical dealings is bound to sustain huge liabilities arising from mismanagement of its precious human resource. It will also waste huge resources in attempting to subside the increasing frustration manifested in all kinds of anti establishment activities. The individual case from a diary evidences that something terribly wrong has been done. When something is wrong, it is important to find out the root cause to understand why a problem has surfaced in this manner.
The Evidence: A game in nexus of operation like a mafia gang set my posting matter in doldrum since my returned from study abroad in September, 2007. I was kept on waitlist for three months although vacancies were available. Then I was rolled into selected ministers within a span of three months in 2008. On promotion, I was allocated Ministry for Development of North-eastern Region in 2008 based on my ethnic background while my batch mates were given sectors of their choices. In a very strange and unusual way, I was denied assignment for seven months. I sat at home writing articles on policy strategy to improve service delivery. In view of this strange position imposed on me, I pleaded to the then Secretary, Personnel for reconsideration of my posting to another ministry.
The then Cabinet Minister for Development of North-eastern Region had also requested the then Minister, Personnel in December, 2008 to resolve my posting matter. The Minister, Personnel verbally assured the Cabinet Minister that he would take corrective action. Based on this promise, the Cabinet Minister relieved me from his Ministry on 31st December, 2008 in the hope of another sector allocation. The HR Department did not respond to the relieve order and did not take action to allocate me another ministry. I was kept in a very peculiar situation without ministry allocation for seven long months from December 2008 to August, 2009 with no reason.
When the hostage period ended due to intervention of the Cabinet Minister, the release was implemented with another program to defunct me further. Despite non availability of vacancy in Ministry of Defence and despite availability of several vacancies in other ministries, the HR Department deliberately chose Ministry of Defence as my future career homeland. In order to create the vacancy in this ministry, an officer who barely worked for one year was pulled out to enable them to post me in his place. I took the challenge positively but the improved delivery in my assignments visibly seen by others soon became an eyesore. While I was on leave for few days in September, 2010, I was transferred to a defunct post. My predecessor, who is now a retiree, informed that the only assigned duty of this defunct post is to accompany the army officers in the tour which I diligently adhered to while I used my spare time in writing and publishing articles.
The Facts: The evidences revealed that I had been utilized only for 8 months out of 42 months from October, 2007 till March, 2011. The loss of national exchequer by providing salary to someone without job for 34 months is a critical issue. It also implies that a viable asset has been turned into an NPA by constant imposition of joblessness and defunct position for 34 months within three and half years. The defunct condition has produced several adverse conditions of life at prime stage of career that completely negates the professed policy of protection of well being of citizens.
Conclusion: The root cause of the problem lies in the deeply entrenched social psychic aggravated by mediocre minds trapped in feudalism. An imprisoned mind is veiled with bias thinking and lacks vision. The imprisoned mind has no capacity to accept potentials and competencies or to expand the vision to be inclusive in approach. It begs the question: how can imprisoned minds be credible, reliable and transparent and how can mediocre minds allow the nation to achieve the expected super power status?