Healing Your Grief Like a Boss

Nancy B. Alston

THERE ARE 10 ESSENTIAL STEPS TO START HEALING YOUR GRIEF LIKE A BOSS! Remember: “Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes […]

Weaknesses of the Classical Management Theories

Nancy B. Alston

In their stress on formal relationships in the organization, classical approaches tend to ignore informal relations as characterized by social interchange among workers, the emergence of group leaders apart from those specified by the formal organization, and so forth. Thus their focus is understandably narrow. Failure to consider the informal […]

Point Of Discipline (P.O.D.)

Nancy B. Alston

There are times in life where you have had enough of yourself, and you have to change for the better, not the worse. The point of discipline at the end of a bad habit is that point. Whatever the habit is: Smoking, drinking alcohol, narcotic drugs, sugar, lying, procrastinating, whatever […]