A Magazine Reader’s Review of Current History

In this article, I am going to talk about one of my favorite magazines. I will discuss why I consider it one of my favorite magazines and will provide a brief history of this magazine. I consider this type of magazine to be political. You may have guessed by now, from a prior article of mine on a political magazine that I thoroughly enjoy reading these types of magazines and subscribe to many of them.

First, I will give a brief history of this magazine. Current History is the oldest publication in the United States. It is devoted entirely to world affairs. When I say that Current History, is political I use that term loosely. Actually, the magazine is more geopolitical than political. Current History was founded in 1914 by the New York Times. Today, the magazine is privately owned. It is published from September to May monthly. In the beginning, the magazine was founded to cover World War I or the Great War as it also is known by. Many esteemed and well known people have contributed to the magazine; the likes of Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, and more contemporary names like John McCain and Condeleeza Rice. Current History is not affiliated with any institution or political organization or government body.

Now, that I have provided a brief history of this storied publication I am going to talk about why I consider it one of my favorite magazines to read. Each month, Current History discusses various issues from around the world. Each month’s magazine focuses on a particular region of the world and various issues that affect that region and issues that are also affected by the region. The magazine talks about regions like the Middle East, Europe, Africa and China and Est Asia. The magazine discusses economic and political issues that affect a particular region. For example, terrorism, nuclear weapons and various economic issues. Economically speaking, there are articles on technology, various economic trends and economical institutions, like the IMF. At the end of the year, I like that a year in review is put together. The year in review issue looks back at important issues from the prior year that the magazine wants to highlight. Throughout the year, there are “special” issues published that focus in depth on a particular topic. For example, migration trends or global warming. I consider the magazine to be quite academic and can be a bit time consuming to read. I don’t find it as easy to read like Cosmopolitan. There is book review section that I also like to read. If you want to become more informed of the geopolitical issues of our times, you should check out this valuable magazine.

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