Maple Bat Regulations and Major League Baseball

Nancy B. Alston

According to Major League Baseball, 2,232 baseball bats were broken by batters from July to the end of the regular season. 756 of these bats broke into multiple pieces. An MLB research team was brought in after several high profile accidents seriously injured spectators, a base coach, and, finally, a […]

Top 5 Challenges in Manufacturing Industries

Nancy B. Alston

In addition to this some of the pertinent issues, the industry faces in manufacturing products are: 1. Regulatory Compliance and traceability: Manufacturers of all sectors faces increasing regulations which aims in ensuring product safety to managing disposal and reclamation procedures. Consumers may be benefited from some of the regulations, and […]

What Are Inheritance Loans And How To Access Them

Nancy B. Alston

When a person dies and leaves behind a will, a complicated financial and juridical process will be initiated. Entitled authorities will analyze the case and item and properties distribution will be made according to the will. A process of this magnitude can take several months until a final resolution is […]