Performance Measurement – Organization Theory

Nancy B. Alston

Business performance is probably one of the must widespread dependent variable used by scholars, while at the same time its remains one of the most vague variables (Rogers and Wright, 1998). In order to minimize the level of ambiguity regarding the construction and definition of business performance, as well as […]

How We Relate Maslow’s Theory To Induction

Nancy B. Alston

Even though newcomers will have anxiety, they will also be feeling enthusiastic and motivated to do a good job. The main goal of induction is to maintain this enthusiasm and motivation for as long as possible. This will result in more effective performance. You maintain motivation by providing your newcomer […]

Theory of a “Trick”

Nancy B. Alston

The necessary condition for using the theory of a “trick” is that players are to have insufficient information about each other. In this case the “trick” consists in guessing the intentions of the adversary on condition of hiding one’s own intentions: a positive “trick” and a negative “trick”. The tactics […]