Anger is of different types, and can be classified into categories. Recognizing the classification of your anger will help you deal with it better in the long run.
1. Behavioral Anger: When a person experiences behavioral anger, he or she usually confronts the subject that angers them, which is usually another person. Physical harm may follow verbal rudeness. Such are the characteristics of behavioral anger.
2. Chronic Anger: A person that suffers from chronic anger does not always have a rational explanation of why he is angry all the time. Such people hate the world that they live in, hate themselves, hate everybody else and generally fly into tempers at the slightest motivation.
3. Constructive Anger: A person who deals with his anger by canalizing the anger into a constructive path such as self improvement is said to have constructive anger. This is often a result of self help and anger management courses.
4. Deliberate Anger: When a person deliberately poses as he has anger, often as a ploy to control subordinates, this type is called deliberate anger. It is usually a fake enacting of anger, but could escalate into other forms of anger occasionally. Deliberate anger also leaves quickly, especially when confronted.
5. Judgmental Anger: people suffering from this form of anger usually put other people down in front of gatherings, to try and make themselves look superior.
6. Overwhelming anger: As the name suggests, this form of anger exists when the emotion has really got to the root of a person. People experiencing overwhelming anger just cannot stand the situation they are in, and often find destructive means of relieving themselves by self hurt or by hurting other people physically.
7. Paranoid Anger: The paranoid form of anger is totally without just cause. People often work themselves into a frenzy imagining that someone were against them. This is called paranoid anger.
8. Passive Anger: This is a somewhat controlled form of anger where the person experiencing it does not directly show his anger. Instead he resorts to mocking the person who angers him, in a sarcastic manner.
9. Retaliatory Anger: This happens as a result of another person?s anger towards you. When you retaliate in self defense in an angry manner, this is called retaliatory anger.
10. Self Inflicted Anger: Here, a person who is angry with himself punishes himself by inflicting pain upon his own body. This is a common phenomenon with drug addicts.
11. Verbal Anger: Here, the only damage that is done is verbal abuse to other people. This could often be the beginning of other forms of anger.
12. Volatile Anger: This could range from mild anger to an absolute fury, and leaves just as suddenly as it comes. The intensity and the time depends on how well it is controlled by the individual.