5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Commercial HVAC System

Nancy B. Alston

Selecting a commercial HVAC system for a building is no easy task. However, if you know what to look for, you have nothing to worry about. To make things easier for you, here are 5 things to consider when choosing a commercial system.

You can save on energy costs by selecting an HVAC system that has good energy-efficiency ratings. Here are some energy ratings you should keep in mind when making your decision.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is an efficiency indicator for air conditioners. Higher SEER ratings will result in better energy efficiency. The minimum SEER rating in the US is 13. Anything above is considered to be highly efficient.

Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) is used to measure the efficiency of the heat pump. An HVAC system with an HSPF rating of 8.2 or more is considered highly efficient. HVAC systems don’t have an HSPF value below 7.7.

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) is used to measure the efficiency of heating systems. Therefore, this rating is important when choosing electric and fuel-based furnaces. Look for a furnace that has a rating in the mid-90s or more.

The best way to ensure that your commercial HVAC system is energy-efficient is to select an appropriately sized system. An undersized system may need to run on a lower temperature than required to cool the building. Because of that, you may end up spending a lot more on energy costs. What’s worse, fluctuating temperatures may also make the office space uncomfortable.

Selecting an oversized unit may cost you more on upfront costs. In addition to that, it may also struggle to control the humidity, which may result in an overgrowth of mold. This, in turn, may damage the equipment and increase repair costs in the process. Make sure to hire a professional to determine the correct size for your HVAC system and help you select one that’s best suited for the build’s design.

Keep the Structure of Your Building in Mind

An HVAC system interacts with a building’s lighting system and design, natural ventilation, and daylight.These factors can affect the cooling,heating, and energy requirements of the building. So your HVAC system should be in line with these factors to improve efficiency and reduce your energy and maintenance costs.

Every building or different parts of a building has different indoor air quality (IAQ) requirements. You should keep that in mind when selecting an HVAC system so that you can maximize energy efficiency and improve the quality of the air in the entire building. If your building is more likely to be affected by dust, mold, pollen, and other contaminants, you may need a system that has better air filtration.

You should look for an system that can be upsized without needing to be replaced completely. Upsizing may be necessary after building renovations, so you shouldn’t have to spend more money on a completely new system in that case.

Once you know how to choose a commercial HVAC system, make sure to find a contractor who’ll keep all of the aforementioned factors in mind.

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