Jesus and Politics, a Strange Mix

Nancy B. Alston

Right around 300 A.D., would-be Emperor Constantin teamed up with Christians to take over the Empire of Rome. Some say he saw a vision, others aren’t quite so sure. But the result of his interactions with the church caused the Christians to come out of the dungeons, and eventually to […]

Maple Bat Regulations and Major League Baseball

Nancy B. Alston

According to Major League Baseball, 2,232 baseball bats were broken by batters from July to the end of the regular season. 756 of these bats broke into multiple pieces. An MLB research team was brought in after several high profile accidents seriously injured spectators, a base coach, and, finally, a […]

Three Important Facts About Self Discipline

Nancy B. Alston

Understanding important facts about being self-disciplined is the first step to mastering self discipline. Learn these three facts and be one step closer to being the most disciplined person you can be. Many people in this world have the “Burger King” mentality – have it your way, and have it […]