Your skill and capacity to discipline you, to master yourself, to manage yourself, to control yourself, goes hand with success in every field of career. According to Elbert Hubbard, “Self- discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” People can develop following habit to make their bright future – goal orientation, result orientation, action orientation, people orientation, health orientation, honesty, integrity, and self discipline.
Make a decision clearly on the new good habit. If you want to develop your self discipline, write it down as a target in a paper or stand up in front of mirror and say “I am an extremely well disciplined individual in everything I do.” This will increase your confidence in you. Repeat this as often as possible, and with as much enthusiasm and conviction as possible. The more you repeat this, the more likely it is that your subconscious mind will in the end accept it and start to adjust your thoughts, words, action and behaviors to be consistent with it.
Imagine yourself as if you already had the new good habit prototype. Visualize yourself as already being accurately the person that you want to become in the future. Keep in mind, your intuitive mind is activated and automatic by mental pictures. All development in your life and character start with a development in your mental pictures. Use your imagination on a regular basis in combination with your positive affirmations.
Emotionalize the confirmation and the imagination. Take a few minutes each day to actually experience the feeling of being the outstanding, exceptional, brilliant human being that you have determined to become. Start into your new good habit with confidence. Suppose the role, acting as if you had been hired to do this role in a movie or play. The more you act exactly as if you already had the habit, the more you really become the person that you want to be.
Tell others that you have determined to build up this new habit. When you tell others, you motivate and support yourself. But do not share this with anyone who is not your good friend. You also force yourself to consistently act in accordance with your new targets because you know that others are watching. Repeatedly review your development progress on a regular basis. At the end of day, summarize your behavior during the day relative to the values and habits you are trying to build up.