It has always been expected that I CONFORM: Conform to the code of body language; dress code; mode of speech… to be precise, my entire bearing had to be fashioned into a mould, closely monitored by those around so that I become a perfect “Feminine Role Model” for the family. […]
The Twenty First Century Country Leader
When President Obama came to Ghana, he made a striking comment in his address at Parliament. He said: “The 21st century country is a country that is ready to do things for herself and not look for assistance from the outside”. This is indeed a true statement because all the […]
5 Ways, Today’s Politics, Threaten America’s Future, And Ideology
We are going through times, which seem, unlike any others, in recent memory! Instead of any coherent, real attempt, at bringing us, together, for the greater good, it seems, we are observing, the politics of division, and polarization! Unless/ until, our nation’s priorities, emphasize creating about, a meeting – of […]
A Horse Racing System That Produces 50% Winners
This article is written for people who do not know much about horse racing but from time to time want to enjoy the heart-pounding excitement of the Sport of Kings. First understand, betting horses is a gamble. There is no short-cut secret to winning millions in a week. Although a […]
Six Cool Job Ideas After Your Retirement
Hey, are you a retired person or about to retire from the job? Are you thinking about letting yourself into another profession after retirement? If yes, then you are at the right place to get some ideas to start cool retirement jobs. While we are at work many of us […]
Hiring Employees and Avoiding Legal Problems – Seven Mistakes Employers Should Avoid When Hiring
MISTAKE NO. 1 Failing to ensure the employee knows that he or she is employed at will. Be careful what you say orally or in writing when you make a job offer. The statements you make about the nature of the position or the long term opportunities with the company […]