Our Living World – Compassion in Action

Nancy B. Alston

In this world right now, there are unfortunate people and especially children who are trying to survive in extreme poverty, who are dying of malnutrition and diseases every few minutes. Some are being sold into slavery, while others are in extreme terror, living in war torn countries trapped by their doctrines needing to be arrogantly right, fighting for causes that may see them all die young. These people would happily live off our meager table scraps, who willingly would use our old furniture, who would be grateful of our worn out clothing, and happily sleep on the dry floor in our quiet garage.

These people and children aren’t focused on the latest technologies or breakthroughs, as this will not protect them, the latest iphone won’t keep them from being hungry, and a wireless Laptop means nothing when you are illiterate, malnourished, sick or dying. We need to get a grip… as we ignorantly take our abundant existence for granted and worry about silly stupid things that aren’t life threatening at all.

At what point of spiritual evolvement are we going to use its greater awareness to help mankind and make a difference to these realities? Just because things are the way they are, doesn’t make it right, nor does it mean they have to stay the same. We all could make it different if we were willing!

As a global family united in our common humanity we are still making the same mistakes. We are still getting caught up in our own needs to be bothered to help our fellow humankind. Where is the honour in that? I’m not the only ones who feel and think like this? Where is the wisdom of the ages of mankind within our governments and laws? Where is it written that some shall be rich and some shall be poor? Obviously when we hear words spoken of equality within humanity it is just a spiritual ideal, when does it become a reality, grounded in daily lives in caring for each others welfare.

Imagine how easy it could be to change the status quo if only our world leaders were willing?

I care about our world and everyone in it, I care enough to speak my truth, that why I publish the written words that hopefully will pierce the heart of humanity, enough to make some contribution to healing its huge wrongs. I spread the words of peace and love, the words of wisdom that the soul is greater than the intellect. That it is every persons right to live as he or she sees fit so long as it harm none. I believe that one day, it will happen… that the world will become a better place for our children’s, children’s, children. That some how we can sort out the mess that our forbears have made of things and move on from senseless wars and stop poverty, educating the illiterate and creating whole new ideals and awareness’s that truly serve our global community and greater humanity.

Join my team as we heal the world with compassion; it takes one act of love and kindness at a time! A practice we could all adopt and add to our daily lives. What act of compassion have you done today? We want to know. If you have a small foundation or charity that is working towards a better world we want to know about it. Contact S’Roya via email and share your story. How are YOU contributing to making the world a better place for those less fortunate?

Siddhartha Foundation UK, real Compassion in Action

Recently I met a very interesting lady by the name of Dechen Chodron, who mentioned to me a Foundation that she and a few others had set up to help the poor and homeless children who found themselves stranded in the Himalayas. Dechen told me how the Siddhartha Foundation UK was set up in 2006 by a group of 5 friends who live in the county of Somerset, after having been inspired by Lama Khenpo Chimed Rinpoche, a kind, wise, and compassionate Buddhist teacher from Kathmandu in Nepal. Khenpo, (as he is known to his friends and students) has brought peace and solace to many in both east and west with his Tibetan Buddhist teachings. At the same time he has spread awareness of the plight of thousands of children of Tibetan origin in Nepal, where the extreme poverty prevents them from getting any form of education in their own tradition.

Bringing hope to Himalayan and Tibetan children of Nepal

The Trustees are: Michael and Lynne Orchard, Dechen Chodron and Adrian Beckingham, who are helped and supported by Rita Hraiz.

Between them, the founders have skills in charity management, business, education, social work, culture and the arts, media and finance.

“We all give of our time for free”, says Dechen, “as do all the friends and supporters of the Foundation”. This helps keep their overheads to a minimum, thus maximizing the donation amount that goes straight to the welfare of the children in Nepal.

Their Mission

We will provide refuge and shelter for some of the poorest children in the Himalayan region of Nepal.

We will provide education, healthcare, plus emotional, physical and spiritual support for these children.

We will work to preserve the ancient wisdom of Tibet with a new generation of young people, displaced from their homeland.

We will strive to work with compassion, kindness, clarity and care at all times.

About Nepal

Nepal is one of the six poorest countries in the world with over half the population surviving on less than $1 or 50p per day.

Life expectancy is 10 years lower than India and more than ten children die every hour due to malnutrition and disease.

Over 85% of the population is illiterate.

Nepal is home to tens of thousands of refugees who have made the perilous escaped from Tibet over the high Himalayan passes. Despite their extreme poverty the Nepalese are renowned for their hospitality, generosity, and warmth of spirit.

The Siddhartha School, believes in Love, Care, Health, Education, the most precious gifts for a child of the Himalayas. With the help of a few generous benefactors Khenpo has purchased land near Kathmandu and has started the construction of a school, which will eventually be able to take in around 150 students. The school is managed by its founder Lama Khenpo Rinpoche, who personally supervises all aspects of the students welfare and the running of the school.

Having seen the first buildings opened with an initial intake of 80 students, a decision was made to actively support the project, by setting up the Siddhartha Foundation UK to work closely with our Nepali partners Siddhartha Foundation Nepal which is a registered not for profit help fund the project on an ongoing basis.

The Dalai Lama of Tibet has personally endorsed Lama Khenpo’s work in helping the Himilayan children in this way….

Quote: “I really appreciate the faith and dedication that Lama Khenpo has given to establishing this school where dharma may flourish. I’ the Dalai Lama am calling upon everyone to support this project with all possible effort. I am sending my prayers for the fulfillment of all Lama Khenpo’s noble wishes” H.H. Dalai Lama.

The Siddhartha Foundation School located near Kathmandu, brings a ray of hope and light to those children fortunate enough to get a place. The students all come from impoverished backgrounds where basic health-care and education isn’t available to them. Many of the students are orphans and for them the school provides an environment of security that’s caring and nurturing. The school takes care of all the pupils needs from food and clothing to medical care fees and the cost of their educational materials. The students learn many things; daily lessons consist mostly of English, Nepali and Tibetan languages, math’s, meditation, philosophy, Tibetan art and culture and physical education.

At the moment the Siddhartha School is all boys, but soon (when funds permit) a school for girls will be constructed, as they believe in equal rights for both sexes. The Siddhartha Foundation is busily seeking funds also for the construction of a clinic, sickbay and dispensary, that will made available and benefit both students and villagers. I encourage you all to check out this foundations great work and support them in their mission by either sponsoring a child or donation. Siddhartha Foundation UK http://www.siddharthafoundationuk.org Reg Charity 1118349.

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